Make Peace with Police was created in 2017 by Travis, a man that saw both sides of viral stories and media reports involving law enforcement and searched for facts amongst the fiction. Travis has worked diligently to combat the viral media propaganda that has divided Americans amongst themselves and between law enforcement. His views on law enforcement have shifted over the years, but one thing that hasn’t changed is his passion for seeking the truth within lies. His goal is to educate the general public and arm them against the evil, manipulative agenda of the media. The mission of Make Peace with Police is to mend the current divide between civilians and law enforcement that has been severed by fallacious information. Travis has made this concept his personal mission and it has grown into a force bigger and more powerful than he could have ever imagined back in 2017. This quest led him on a continuous journey of becoming the best version of himself in 2019 and motivated him to inspire others to explore their true protentional through various platforms.
Along this path he has had to stay true to himself and his beliefs as others cast judgmental eyes and spew hateful words to deter him. It is important to acknowledge that activists that aspire to change and inspire change do so, without the requirement of a specific skin color or background. This role requires heart, integrity, wisdom from life experiences, and dedication. We cannot stop discrimination with discrimination. We cannot mend relationships by separating ourselves by our differences.
Travis didn’t always see those in law enforcement as allies. Like, many Americans from all backgrounds, Travis viewed those on the force as a threat, someone with the power to cause harm, to affect the range of his freedom, and to possibly end his life. Through self-reflection and education, he realized that many of his life-choices influenced his views of law enforcement. As he developed Make Peace with Police, he began to see himself judged by his appearance the same way officers are often judged by their uniform. This inspired him to take on another endeavor and develop his own brand the Red-Blooded American Misfit, to share his story while helping people take responsibility for their own choices and actions.
At Make Peace with Police we are not boot lickers, we do not wear blinders. We understand that people in law enforcement are people first, they are human, they are capable of good and evil. We also know ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds hate, and hate breeds violence. Let’s stop the violence by ending ignorance, through education and partnership. The mission of Make Peace with Police is to develop a better understanding of the workings of the police force, know your rights as civilians, and to understand effective strategies when dealing with tense situations. We know that not all crimes are committed by criminals and not all heroes wear a badge. We need to partner together and work as a community. When people come together, put their differences aside, and effectively communicate they are a FORCE and all things are possible. JOIN THE FORCE. We have developed our motto, “Saving Lives by Changing Lives” into an Academy that will help people grow into the best versions of themselves.
The reality is, that in this great country of the free, the home of the brave, we are all human and we need a governing force to protect and to keep our peace. We must find a way to support law enforcement, for what kind of freedom will we have amongst chaos. Join Travis in his mission to Make Peace with Police, join us in our efforts by reaching out to a member of your local law enforcement. Grab a coffee, take a pic, and let them know you are part of the team! We’d love to hear your positive experiences with law enforcement. Share your pics and stories at, or at